Bird Proofing

Want an experienced and licensed pest control technician? We have 17+ years of experience in bird proofing and other pest bird control solutions.

We are IRATA certified and can use cherry pickers and boom lifts to reach otherwise inaccessible places.

If birds are your problem, then rest easy. We have a wide range of solutions, and we'll pick the perfect solution for your individual circumstances.


Why Choose Us For Bird Proofing?

Money back guarantee if the birds return

17+ year's experience in commercial bird control

Licensed to work at heights & IRATA abseiling certified

Experienced and licensed in operating boom lift & cherry picker

Fully insured & WHS compliant

Able to work with architectural blueprints to offer bird proofing insights before & after construction

Work carried out on time with minimal disturbance

Preferred & Trusted By

Preferred & Trusted By

The Service Now Difference

best commercial cleaning services


All of our employees are trained and qualified for the job.

removing pests from area

No subcontractors

We never use subcontractors, so the person that comes to do your job is a trusted and highly trained Service Now employee, they are accountable to you and only you.

action shot of pest control job

No HiPages
or Airtasker Service

Never do we engage any online services such as Airtasker or Hipages!

cleaning sydney trusts

A real Sydney team

When you call us, you will speak to real people in Sydney, not a call centre!

family cleaning and pest control business

A family business

We've been family owned, operated in Sydney for over 17 years!


Why bird proofing?

The reasons you need bird proofing services

Many people don't consider birds to be pests. They're the subject of many songs such as the iconic 'Feed the Birds' in the film Mary Poppins. We are even encouraged from childhood to 'feed the birds' and view them as welcome visitors.

But even Bob Marley would have found it alarming if his 'Three Little Birds' turned into a huge flock of disease-carrying pests. However, that is exactly what happens when a few birds start to flock together. This is especially true if there is a place for them to feed and nest, and no bird pest control measures in place.

What started as a few cute sparrows can end up looking like a scene from Alfred Hitchcock's film 'The Birds'. Ok, this might be a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the picture. The Indian Myna, Common Starling and Feral Pigeon can cause devastation to property and human health.

These avian pests are even a threat to biodiversity. They drive out the native animal species when competing over food and nesting places.

Why Choose Us?

Our Service Vs. The Rest

Benefit to you

Licensed & Certified in Working at Heights, High Risk Work (over 11 meters) & Bird Control

Insured for $20,000,000 Public Liability and $1,000,000 Professional Indemnity Insurance & Workers Compensation (iCare).

Completed over 2,000 Bird Control control jobs with over 17+ years in the industry.

Use new, state of the art equipment, that is no older than 5 years of age.

Use high quality materials that are tried and tested by experts in the field offering warranties from 5 years up to 20 years on jobs.

Certified CM3 (WH&S), Strata Association, Member of MBA, Member of AEPMA, EPA Licensed, Ebix & of course Covid Safe.

Every job includes an inspection prior to work commencing. We take high resolution images prior to every job and after completion.
This enables you to see what exactly how we have completed the works

Guaranteed job completion with no corner cutting. We rely on you to spread the word to your friends, family and businesses.

Give you a price upfront that NEVER CHANGES

Highly recommended by all of our residential and commercial customers like.

For professional bird proofing

Forget the rest, choose the best

When it comes to pest control, we can't be beaten. We have over seventeen years of experience in commercial bird pest control. So you can be sure we know the best way to tackle the problem and get rid of your bird pests fast.

The main areas for birds to congregate and do the most damage tend to be high up. Places such as window ledges and roofs can be inaccessible unless approached by boom lifts and cherry pickers. All of our operatives are experienced and licensed to work at heights. We have the right people, we have the right equipment, and we do the job right. We are fully insured and WHS compliant. We use only the very best quality products which conform to Australian safety standards. Hence the products we use will not harm your family or your pets.

Do you have Feral Pigeons pecking at your pipework? Are Indian Mynas munching on your mangoes? For a fast, effective end to your bird pest issues, forget the rest, choose the best today and call the bird pest control Sydney trusts!

bird proofing using netting

Our Clients

Love Our Work

Our 3 Step

Bird Proofing Action Plan

If you already have an infestation, don't worry!

We can get it sorted with minimum disruption to your home or business using our three point plan.


Bird proofing Step 1
Investigate & Report

Firstly, our fully trained, certified, and licensed expert will carry out a full assessment of your home or workspace. It will note such things as how the birds are accessing your home or commercial premises. They will also investigate any health and safety issues.

Damage from pecking and nesting can affect structures, solar panels and wiring. Much of the damage will not be visible from below. We are certified and licensed to work at heights using boom lift and cherry pickers. We examine structural or environmental issues that are causing feral birds to congregate.


Bird proofing Step 2
Implement Solutions

After a thorough investigation, our licensed and certified expert will make recommendations for eradication and prevention. There are various methods, and there may be several which would do the job. We will advise you on which one is best suited to your bird pest problem. Whichever method is best for eradication, it is always a good idea to have bird proofing carried out. Effective pest control is not just eradication but prevention of further infestation.

When bird proofing your premises, we will secure each access point to ensure they can't get back in. Next comes, the clean-up. Bird debris can leave all sorts of diseases and parasites, which are dangerous to your health. That's why we use high pressure cleaning equipment to eradicate any unwanted guests and nesting materials.


Bird proofing Step 3
Prevent Future Bird Problems

Following this, we issue a report highlighting cause, treatment and prevention. The report will explain what we found to be the cause of your avian pest problem.

It will go on to list what action we took to get rid of the birds and resultant debris. Finally, we will make recommendations for a pest free future for you.

Commercial bird proofing

For your commerical premises

Bird pests can destroy a business and commercial premises both inside and out. If they get into the building, it can be a challenge to get them out. Meanwhile, they are damaging stock and hurting your profit margin. Did you realise that bird pecking can actually bring your business to a standstill?

Bird beaks are small but sharp. They can peck through electric wiring in places which can be hard to spot. The result may be electric shocks, outages and loss of income. Issues will continue until the problem is detected and secured.

Pecking damage and droppings on merchandise may mean you have to write it off as a loss. The more there are, the worse it gets. Worse still, birds carry potentially fatal diseases such as Salmonellosis, Cryptococcal Meningitis and E.coli.

Can you afford not to get your commercial property bird proofed?

Residential Bird proofing

For your home and garden

Birds can cause phenomenal damage and can ruin our homes and gardens. For example, imagine it's a lovely sunny day, and you have just hung the washing out to dry. A flock of starlings fly overhead. It's such a beautiful sight! Until you realise that they have adorned your clean laundry with their very own brand of aerial graffiti.

Not all birds are pests, so you don't have to hunt down your neighbours' budgie or slingshot everything with wings. You do, however, need to ensure you have suitable prevention measures in place to prevent an infestation. As soon as you notice a few gathering together regularly on your property, take action. Don't wait for it to become an insurmountable task. The longer you leave it, the more expensive it will be to get rid of them and repair the damage.

Property Still In the Planning Stage?

Get bird proofing built in!

Even if your property is still in the construction stage, we can offer valuable insight to prevent future pest bird infestation. And it’s not just birds we can help with: we provide services for all pests including cockroaches, bees, wasps, hornets, termites, spiders, rats, mice and possums. Whether you are a homeowner or a business, you can trust us to deliver on time, every time, with minimal disturbance.